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How grey divorce differs from a typical divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 4, 2023 | Divorce

Grey divorce, also known as silver divorce or late-life divorce, is a phrase used to describe the increasing trend of older couples choosing to end their marriages later in life. These are individuals who have spent a significant portion of their lives together, raised families and shared countless experiences before parting ways.

The decision to divorce at this stage of life can have profound emotional, financial and social implications. Grey divorce significantly differs from a typical divorce, so it is important to understand the unique challenges and considerations that arise in these cases.

What factors contribute to grey divorce?

One primary reason more couples 50 years and older are opting for divorce is the evolving social norms and changing attitudes towards marriage and divorce. In the past, divorce was often stigmatized. However, as societal norms have shifted, people are more accepting of divorce as a viable option for couples who find themselves in unhappy or unfulfilling marriages. As a result, older generation couples are finding the courage to step out of matrimonies that no longer serve them.

Additionally, increased life expectancy has led to longer and healthier lives, making individuals less willing to stay in unfulfilling relationships during their golden years. Nowadays, people seek personal happiness and fulfillment in their later lives, even if it means ending a long-term marriage.

Financial matters also play a crucial role in the rise of grey divorce. With more women having careers and individual financial security, they may feel more empowered to leave unhappy marriages. Moreover, economic factors can be less constraining for older individuals than younger couples, as their children are grown and they have accumulated assets over the years.

What sets grey divorces apart from typical divorces?

In a grey divorce, retirement assets become a critical component of the property division process. These may include pension plans, 401(k) accounts, IRAs and other investment accounts. Splitting these assets requires careful consideration to help ensure a fair distribution that supports both parties during their retirement years.

Health insurance coverage can also be a significant concern for older couples going through divorce. Unlike younger Americans, older individuals are more likely to face health issues, and losing access to a spouse’s health insurance can be daunting. Therefore, proper planning is necessary to help ensure continuous coverage.

Getting a divorce when you’re 50 or older can be an overwhelming change. Thankfully, you don’t need to have all the answers; you can engage a legal professional to help ensure that the process is as seamless as it can be.