Family vacations are an amazing time to connect with your children, but they can quickly become stressful if you don’t handle things correctly. This is especially true if you’re not in a relationship with your child’s other parent and must consider co-parenting issues when planning.
There are several ways you can reduce the stress of family vacations involving child custody considerations. These five tips should provide you with a springboard for stress reduction.
Make vacation plans early
Starting your vacation planning early is critical for co-parents. It allows both parties to coordinate schedules, discuss potential destinations and address any concerns well in advance. Early planning also provides ample time to involve your children in decision-making. This can improve the chance that the vacation meets everyone’s expectations and interests.
Consider travel arrangements
Travel arrangements are a crucial aspect of vacation planning for co-parents. For those flying or taking other public transit options, factoring in the time it takes to get to the departure point after picking up the kids and returning home after the vacation is over is critical. Starting or ending a vacation with stress because you have to rush to the departure point or get the kids back to the other parent can put a damper on the vacation.
Plan for relaxation
Vacation is a time for relaxation and recharge for both adults and children. The itinerary should include plenty of opportunities for downtime and activities that all family members can enjoy. Whether it’s a day at the beach, a visit to a park or time spent playing games together, these moments can be valuable for bonding and creating lasting memories.
Set terms for communication
Setting the terms for how and when the parent who’s not there will communicate with the children during the trip can help maintain a sense of normalcy and ensure both parents feel involved. This might include scheduled calls, video chats or updates via text.
Remain as flexible as possible
Showing flexibility and a willingness to compromise can significantly benefit the co-parenting relationship, especially when it comes to vacations. Changing the parenting time schedule is sometimes necessary to accommodate vacation plans.
It may be beneficial to have vacation terms set in your parenting plan. This takes the guesswork out of what’s allowed and what each parent should do. Seeking legal assistance can help to maximize the benefits and minimize the challenges associated with such a plan.